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the 200hr & 500hr warrior training/ryt program includes all modalities of training as seen here:

:: shamanism :: yoga :: kung fu ::


:: Dearmouring


Dearmouring is an intense 3-month healing process to help you shed the armour you've built to survive childhood, major challenges throuhgout life as well as painful experiences.  It utilizes pleasure to encourage transformation at a cellular level, restoring full presence and connection to your natural self.  Through breath, movement, vibration and pressure pojnts, your whole body is engaged to break up and remove your body's armor, pain and numbness.


Awaken and become aware of deeper levels of sensitivy, sexuality  and connection to yourself and the world around you.



:: Sweatlodge


The sacred Sweat Lodge ceremony cleanses all four parts of the human body; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. People from all over the world, since the history of man begun, have been using sweat lodges as a tool for healing and ceremony for thousands of years. The Sweat Lodge will consist of four rounds, honoring each of the directions. This ritual is so profound, you will have the experience of being "reborn", renewed, and cleansed. Even modern scientists have proven that the Sweat Lodge achieves the greatest benefits in cleansing and detoxifying the body. Sweat Lodges may last from 1 to 4 hours depending on the group size and the journey of the group.



:: Flowering Tree


As we stand upon the Earth, 4 directions stretch out around us. In many Native American traditions as well as others, these directions have been allocated certain attributes.  This map of reality has come to be known as the 'medicine wheel'.

The Flowering Tree ceremony is a hands-on way of exploring and work dynamically with the medicine wheel.

This is a weekly practice in  which you'll inquire intrpsectively in each direction, asking spcific quesions, to recieve guidance and support in all aspects of your life. Indeed an integral and useful tool for any practitioner on the path of inquiring within.



:: Burden Ceremony


Practiced by Naive Americans after traumatic life experiences then utilized for vietnam war soldiers that were truamatized during the war, this ceremony helps to shed light on the emotional nd mental burdens you're carrying burried deep within your subconscious, often painful memories subconscioulsy conditioning you.


Explore the burdens you no longer need to carry - expose them from deep wthin your subconscious and realize the impact they have on your day-to-day life.  Develop perspective as to where you have built walls, blocks to you character development and see the opportnities to tear these walls down.  In this ceremony, you learn to let go.  


Fear is not of the unknown as we're all seeking new experiences, new places, new processes etc.  It's of letting go - of beliefs, of what we've accumulated over the span of our life to fit in and/or feel safe.  This intense ceremony gives you the perspective and inspiration to let go.





:: Medicine Wheels

& General Knowledge


Learn the powers of the 4 directions, the 20 count (the powers of the universe as told by mayan & toltec tradition) as well as countless medicine wheels with correlations in each direction.  


Emotions, water, plants & more all sit in the south - imagine being able to locate personal chanllenges in a particular direction on the medicine wheel and being able to utilize & overlay other wheels to give you more clarity and depth into understanding the obstacle you're facing - this is just one way to apply medicine wheels.  Imagine how this broadens your perceptions of yourself, the world around you and others.


This is just the beginning of the power of medicine wheels and ancient shamanic knowledge.

Anchor 1

:: Learn to teach one of the most diverse & practical skills in the world - the practice of achieving yoga (untiy).  


In this program, you will learn the original purpose of yoga -  yoga therapy.   teach people who're (often medically) in need of support.  this form of yoga requires knowledge beyond the fundamental aspects of one style of asana (e.g. vinyasa, ashtanga etc.) of yoga - in yoga in general, asana is but a small aspect of achieving balance and harmony in one's life.


helping to reduce somebody's pain, learning to walk again, feeling hope after a close one dies or a near-death experience, gaining movement in a 'frozen' joint - these are but a few of the powers of yoga, simple results from cultivating unity within our own mind & body.  one of our goals of this training is to help you connect with yourself and thus be able to connect with others more deeply, intimately and intuitively.


the greatest gift we can give the world is our unfettered, clear and powerful minds, bodies and spirits, unhindered by any blocks to our own beautiful character, our own immense spirit.



:: the elements of yoga teacher  training


:: basic techniques, training and practice

-  asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, cleansing,     meditation and other traditional yoga       techniques


:: anatomy and physiology


:: yoga philosophy, lifestyle and ethics for

  yoga teachers


:: the fundamentals of ayurveda, the 3        body types (kapha, pitta, vata), how to    treat imbalances in the mind and body      as well as eating ayurvedically


:: teaching methodology

-  communication skills such as group           dynamics, time management, and the       establishment of priorities and                   boundaries

-  how to address the specific needs of           individuals and special populations, to       the degree possible in a group setting

-  principles of demonstration, observation,     assisting and correcting

-  teaching styles

-  qualities of a teacher

-  the student learning process 

-  business aspects of starting your own         yoga business (inc. legal and marketing)



:: this training cultivates the eight  limbs of yoga


  • Yama :  Universal morality

  • Niyama :  Personal observances

  • Asanas :  Body postures

  • Pranayama :  Breathing exercises, and control of prana

  • Pratyahara :  Control of the senses

  • Dharana :  Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness

  • Dhyana :  Devotion, Meditation on the Divine

  • Samadhi :  Union with the Divine



:: yoga 'specialty' training in this  course includes:


-   yoga therapy for autoimmune diseases (and the many related symptoms), sciatica, spinal problems (e.g. csiatica, slipped disc, degeneration, scoliosis etc.), headaches, carpel tunnel, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow & so much more

-  12 pranayama breaths for various             ailments (anxiety, depression, fatigue,       sleep apnea & more)

-  various yoga nidras & meditations

-  various forms of internal cleansing (e.g.

   Kapalabhati, Shankprakshalana etc.)

-  2 ayurveda workshops - an introduction

   to ayurveda & eating ayurvedically

-  conducting dinacarya, ratricarya             (morning and evening yogic processes)



:: physiyoga

physiyoga is a form of yoga designed to help individuals facing health challenges at any level to manage their condition and symptoms, restore balance, increase vitality, and improve breathing.

physiyoga adapts the practice of yoga to the needs of people with specific or persistent health problems not usually addressed in a group class. A physiyoga teacher prescribes specific postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to suit individual needs.

depending upon the nature of the illness, physiyoga can not only be preventative or curative, but also serve as a means to manage an illness or facilitate healing in a person at all levels.




:: vipassana

vipassana training is mandatory to pass this course.


vipassana (insight meditation) is the ultimate expression of socrates' dictum, "know thyself." The Buddha discovered that the cause of suffering can actually be erased when we see our true nature. This is a radical insight. It means that our happiness does not depend on manipulating the external world. We only have to see ourselves clearly— a much easier proposition (but in the ultimate sense, knowing oneself with clarity reveals there is no permanent self, as the Buddha taught).

vipassana meditation is a rational method for purifying the mind of the mental factors that cause distress and pain. this simple technique does not invoke the help of a god, spirit or any other external power, but relies on our own efforts.

this meditation requires you stay at the location you're learning vipassana - one must committ every minute of every day to the technique while keepong a vow of silence.  you may attend a vipassana either at yoga house in toronto ( or at the vipassana center just north of toronto (


:: learn fundamental basics of kung Fu, including (but not limited to):


-  tai chi walking

-  qi gong breathing and exercises

-  basic self-defense

-  basic kung fu body mechanics and         movement (e.g. the 6 footworks,             weight shifting, power movement &       more)



:: about the teacher


donny started practicing karate around 9 years old.  this practice continued on and off until the age of 23 when he started practicing kung fu regularly.  he studied 'shaolin' in general with various teachers in toronto for 6 years then headed to Mainland China in 2007.  he then trained in china until 2014, studying mantis style kung fu with andy miles then southern fist with sifu (master) li quan.  Recently, Donny just returned from teaching yoga workshops (in Tokyo) and practicing Tai Chi in Japan (Fukuoka area) for 5 months.



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